


Latitude 39° 10’ N

Longitude 22° 49’ E

Max Draft 6.5

Time Zone GMT +2

WorldScale No


The piers for discharging / loading are as follows:

Berth “A” (ALPHA) Depth 10,50 m Length 200 m
Berth “B” (VITA) Depth 10m Length 190 m

Always Afloat.

Security level: 1

There are no restriction concerning Beam & Air Draft

Pilot boarding position: Lat: 39° 11,5’ N / Long: 022 ° 51 ‘ N – the area approach to the port is covered on the map 312/2 of the Ministry of Mercantile Marine.

Pilotage / Towage compulsory


  • The physical communication from and to the vessels is always effected through the vessel’s accommodation ladder, ladder ropes, safety net and adequate night-lights. All above have to be placed at Master’s care and responsibility.
  • Master, upon free pratique completion, should handle to Shippers foreman loading – discharging plan, which will be followed provided that it does not disturb the safety regulations and needs.
  • Free communication areas are the piers only. On the beach and next to the guards building phone booth is available. Drugged and drank crew members will provoke the intervention of the elevator security and of the police authorities.
  • The loading / discharging procedure is always a result of a close cooperation between Master / Ch. Mate and piers foreman.
  • Bunker’s ops at Tsigeli port – Sovel factory –prohibited.
  • Fresh water is not available but in emergency cases, Master to contact his Agent.
  • The port provides facilities for the reception of liquid and solid waste from the vessel.
  • Repairs in the engine room, which may provoke the inability of the vessel to move, are not allowed unless Master has the installation’s approval.
  • Loading or discharging of oil-fuel or any other type of third cargo is prohibited.
  • Working days / hours in the piers Mon – Fri 07:00 – 23:00 hrs l.t.- unless Shippers/Receivers will decide to extend regarding Saturday/Sunday.
  • Master has to take all necessary precaution to avoid sea or pier pollution. In case of pollution, vessel should be able to face it although it may be penalized by the installation or by the port authorities.
  • Due to luck of immigration office at the port embarkation/disembarkation of crew members is not allowed, only in case of emergency pls contact with Agent. Shore passes available under the approval of immigration office at Volos.
  • For any visit (suppliers P+I representative, surveyor, superintendent, visitors) 24 hrs. pre - notice is requested for the relevant approval.


  • One double jib rotating crane of 25t capacity
  • Two double rotating cranes of 15t capacity each at 32m
  • Several smaller mobile cranes
  • Various lifting attachments (grabs, magnets, hook, hoisting machinery with grips, fuchs mobile lifting, etc.)



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